Loans to international financial organizations as the source of stabilization of the financial system of Ukraine.


  • M. Savchenko Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



international financial organization, loans, cooperation, IMF, IBRD, EBRD, EIB


The article investigates the impact of international financial institutions' loans on the financial system of Ukraine. The dynamics of financial resources attracted from international financial organizations and the IMF for the implementation of investment projects of Ukraine are analyzed. Positive and negative aspects of IMF lending are considered.

The article argues that external borrowing is one of the real tools to alleviate financial problems and revitalize the financial situation in the country. Factors that may exacerbate the financial crisis are identified: inefficient mechanism for attracting and using loans, deficits of the state budget and the balance of payments.

An attempt has been made to build a model of correlation between lending volumes by international financial institutions and the state (surplus / deficit) of the State Budget of Ukraine, the official hryvnia to US dollar), official reserve assets of the National Bank of Ukraine. The main scientific result of the study was the forecasting of all factor features of the model of lending volumes of international financial institutions and the level of lending for the next year was determined.

Author Biography

M. Savchenko, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

д.е.н., професор


Закон України «Про вступ України до Міжнародного валютного фонду, Міжнародного банку реконструкції та розвитку, Міжнародної фінансової корпорації, Міжнародної асоціації розвитку та Багатостороннього агентства за гарантіями інвестицій» № 2402-XII від 03.06.1992 р. Верховна Рада України URL:

Державна служба статистики України. Офіційний сайт. URL:


