Features of bank loaning of enterprises at the present stage.
bank lending, banks, financial security, credit risk, lender, credit facilitiesAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of features of bank lending of domestic enterprises at the present stage. The article provides a critical analysis of bank lending to Ukrainian enterprises. The explanation of the mechanism of bank lending, as a stepwise process of granting loans. The stages of the credit process of the bank for granting loans to enterprises are separated. The statistics on the volume of crediting of enterprises in Ukraine by banking institutions are presented and analyzed. On the basis of the conducted analysis, the brake factors for the development of bank lending to enterprises were investigated. In addition, based on official statistics, the article identified leading banks in terms of lending to legal entities. Also, the features of bank lending to domestic enterprises at the present stage were highlighted. Ways to improve the crediting of Ukrainian banks by enterprises based on the introduction of a scoring model to minimize bank risks in lending and evaluation of bank lending indicators of enterprises.References
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