Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of inventories in the enterprise.
inventories, inventory management, inventory analysis, utilization efficiency, material yield, turnover duration, finished product ratioAbstract
Inventories are an important component of the material resources of production processes (in the form of inventories) and the needs of consumers (in the form of inventories of finished goods). In order for businesses to operate effectively, inventories must be optimal, as accumulating a large amount of them leads to freezing of funds for a long term, reducing their liquidity, increasing maintenance costs, and their lack - to downtime, failure to meet consumer demands, and therefore reducing competitive advantages. The nature, volume, quality of material resources and their inventories and the level of management of them depends on the competitiveness of enterprises, the scale of production and efficiency.
The article defines the main tasks and fundamental directions of stock analysis at Ukrainian enterprises. The issues of stock security and the general need for them are considered. The necessity of careful selection of suppliers to maintain the rhythmic work of the enterprise is investigated. The peculiarities of determining the main indicators of the effective use of inventories in the process of carrying out economic activity are revealed. The list of factors that influence the level of material consumption of products is highlighted.
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