Estimation of ownership concentration in the corporate sector of Ukraine.
concentration, ownership, corporate sector, estimation of concentration, concentration levelAbstract
The article deals with the structure of share capital based on the reporting of all banking institutions and a hundred companies in different sectors of the Ukrainian economy real sector. The advantages of joint-stock ownership compared to other forms are distinguished. The average size of one and two shareholders' shares is calculated. The dynamics of the ownership concentration of joint-stock companies over the past five years is analyzed and the tendency towards a high level of ownership concentration in the Ukrainian corporate sector is noted. It is noted that the corporate sector is one of the system components of the country's economy. The estimation of the ownership concentration level in the corporate sector of Ukraine in comparison with other countries is given. It is determined that the level of ownership concentration in banks is higher than in enterprises. It is concluded that in the absence of external constraints when making management decisions, a concentrated ownership structure in the corporate sector of Ukraine creates a high risk of agency conflict between minority and majority entities.References
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