Increase of incomes of local budgets on the basis of stimulating the development of small and medium businesses.
local budget, local budget revenues, own revenues, tax revenues, development of small and medium businessesAbstract
The article considers the main sources of filling the revenue part of the local budget, namely tax, non-tax revenues and others. The problems of filling local budgets in the conditions of decentralization are investigated, and it is determined how the local authorities need to influence the development of the income earnings base and increase the part of their own income. Using the information of the Main Directorate of Statistics and open data provided by the relevant executive bodies of the local government, an analysis of the current state of income of local budgets of 5 cities, namely, Vinnitsa, Chernigov, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Zhytomyr, and the amount of financing of program documents (activities, projects) to support small and medium-sized businesses in these cities. The importance of the development of small and medium enterprises at the local level is determined. The concept of increasing local budget revenues through the development of small and medium-sized businesses has been developed, its main objectives and methods for achieving its goal have been determined.
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