Issues related to efficiency assessment of gas distribution enterprises` functioning.
activity efficiency, gas distribution enterprises, analysis of the enterprise activity, natural gas, factors of influence, gas industryAbstract
Economic activity of any entity is always to be supported by analytical procedures. These procedures have such direction as investigation of the level of the activity productivity, because each commercial enterprise aim is such vector of its development, which provides stable result – profit. Based on the aforementioned stat4ement efficiency assessment of enterprise is a naturally determined process for studying the current position of enterprise, developing the optimal and effective managerial decisions, searching for the potential ways of improving existing enterprise strategy.
The current level of economy is characterized by processes of various branches` reformation of economy as a whole, and the gas sector in particular.In this case, issues related to efficiency assessment of gas distributionenterprises as a part of gas industry, which generally has a social significance are getting relevance. The article deals with analysis of current position of the gas distributionenterprises. Factors, which have impact on the activity`s results of mentioned types of enterprises, are determined.
SWOT-analysis, an instrument of analysis and searching of the economic increase, is considered in the article. This instrument enables the strategy development of an enterprise with taking into account its advantages and vulnerable aspects.
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