Investment attractiveness of venture industry of Ukraine.


  • A. Polishchuk Вінницький торговельно-економічний інститут КНТЕУ



investments, venture investments, venture business, fundraising, start-ups, investment multiplier, investment attractiveness


The article explores the investment attractiveness of the venture business in the context of studying the investment climate ofUkraine. The factors that positively or negatively affect the activities of domestic and foreign investors are considered. Established competitive advantages ofUkraineaccording to the methodology of the European Business Association. The factors that constrain the development of the venture capital industry of Ukraine are analyzed, the main ones are: an imperfect legislative base; lack of venture capital sources; the lack of guarantees and the weakness of the stock market for a venture investor that would limit its risks; the underdevelopment of the informal sector of the venture business, which is represented by business angels; the deterioration of the situation in the sector of generation of scientific knowledge; there are not enough “quality” projects in the venture capital investment market, which are determined by a powerful marketing strategy and potential market capacity; lack of specialists in the field of venture management; the weakness of the institution of intellectual property protection; general unfavorable government policies regarding the stimulation of innovation processes.

Author Biography

A. Polishchuk, Вінницький торговельно-економічний інститут КНТЕУ

к.е.н., доцент


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