Concept of development of public-private partnership in the education at the regional level.


  • V. Kozlov ДонНУ ім. Василя Стуса
  • O. Belega ДонНУ ім. Василя Стуса



public-private partnership, concession, lease, financing of educational institutions


One of the effective mechanisms of educational development is public-private partnership, as in the conditions of limited budget funds, qualitative financing of education is possible only through the integration of public and private financial resources. InUkraine, PPP projects are implemented in such areas as collection, purification and distribution of water; production, transportation and supply of heat; waste treatment; construction and / or operation of motorways, railways, etc. In education area, such projects are hardly implemented. In developed countries, in terms of the implemented projects number, the education field takes second place after transport sphere. PPP promotes the rational use of budget funds, improving the quality of educational services. In the course of the study, the concept was developed, the purpose of which is to create a mechanism for effective interaction between local governments and the private sector on the basis of public-private partnership to ensure the successful implementation of projects in the field of education.

Author Biographies

V. Kozlov, ДонНУ ім. Василя Стуса

к. е. н., доцент кафедри фінансів і банківської справи

O. Belega, ДонНУ ім. Василя Стуса



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