Depreciation as a source of current capital financing.


  • I. Hryniuk Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas



current capital, own capital, depreciation, income


Funding of assets is a central issue in the work of managers. In accordance with the "golden" balance sheet rule, sources of financing are considered from owners' equity and liabilities, which on terms of use correspond to assets. However, in practice, compliance with this approach is rather laborious, and sometimes it’s irrational, as some long-term sources finance short-term (current) assets, and short-term sources finance long-term (non-current) assets. It is important to note that the process of the formation and actual using of certain sources of financing, in particular, accumulated profit and depreciation, not always comply with this rule. In present time, most researchers consider depreciation only as a source of renewal of fixed assets, leaving out the fact that these funds will remain in current capital and finance the current activities of the company, until the moment of direct renewal of non-current assets. It consider to expedient to consider in more detail the equity capital and its components as sources of current capital financing.

Author Biography

I. Hryniuk, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

Postgraduate student


International Accounting Standard 16 Property, Plant and Equipment.

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