Methodical approaches to assessing financial stability of the bank.
financial stability of the bank, bank, banking system, estimation, indicator systemAbstract
The article considers separate points of view on the interpretation of the concept of "financial stability of the bank". Proposed own vision for determining the essence of financial stability of the bank. The internal and external factors that influence the financial stability of the commercial bank and are common to all commercial banks are allocated and significantly affect the achievement of their financial stability. The methods of assessing the financial stability of banks that are used in countries with market economics are considered. The features, advantages and disadvantages of methods of assessing financial stability of the bank are determined. The importance of the system of indicators developed by the IMF to assess the financial stability of the bank is described. A methodology for evaluating the financial stability of the bank used inUkraineis described. The shortcomings of the methodology of indicators of financial stability of domestic banks are outlined. The components of financial stability of the bank have been allocated capital stability, liquidity, profitability, risk. The calculation of the generalized indicator of financial stability, which can be used by the leadership of domestic banks as an important tool for improving their activity, is proposed.
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