Financial and economic security as a basis for development of the economy of Ukraine.
financial and economic security, sustainable development, market relations, open economy, economic system, globalizationAbstract
The article is devoted to the question of the role of financial and economic security in the construction of a managerial process to ensure sustainable development of the country in an open economy. The role of management in ensuring sustainable development of the state is considered. Strategic methods aimed at achieving the national interests of the state in modern conditions and forming the concept of national security of the country are defined. The concept of "safety" as a whole is considered. Determined its individual elements. The analysis of components of financial and economic security of the state in the conditions of an open economy is carried out. The conditions of providing financial and economic security for today are determined. The influence of existing economic theories on the formation of the system of financial and economic security of the state is considered. The proposed principles of the construction of financial and economic security as an element of national security in the modern conditions.References
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