Casco on the insurance market of Ukraine: evaluation of attractiveness by the consumer.
insurance market, CASCO, volume of insurance coverage, insurance tariffs, deductible, indemnityAbstract
Consumers of insurance services in Ukraine for the years of existence of the insurance market have already formed certain priorities regarding the choice of types of insurance protection. It should be noted that the insurance of vehicles and, first of all, covering the CASCO, is among the most sought after insurance services. The article analyzes the development of the insurance market of KASKO, determines the main factors influencing its dynamics, volume and consumer behavior of clients. The analysis of the results of TOР-10 in the insurance segment of CASCO was carried out, factors influencing the choice of vehicle owners for the type of insurance coverage, the insurance company and the term of the contract were determined. The price policy of insurance companies concerning CASCO is investigated as a tool for ensuring balance of interests of the company and clients on the basis of a fair assessment of its behavior as a driver. Consumers of insurance services in Ukraine for the years of existence of the insurance market have already formed certain priorities regarding the choice of types of insurance protection. It should be noted that the insurance of vehicles and, first of all, covering the CASCO, is among the most sought after insurance services. The article analyzes the development of the insurance market of KASKO, determines the main factors influencing its dynamics, volume and consumer behavior of clients. The analysis of the results of TOР-10 in the insurance segment of CASCO was carried out, factors influencing the choice of vehicle owners for the type of insurance coverage, the insurance company and the term of the contract were determined.The price policy of insurance companies concerning CASCO is investigated as a tool for ensuring balance of interests of the company and clients on the basis of a fair assessment of its behavior as a driver.References
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