Financial aspects of marketing potential management of higher educational institutions.


  • I. Snisarchuk Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса


higher education, marketing, financial support, marketing potential management, funding sources, cost estimates


The article considers the financial aspect of managing the marketing potential of higher educational institutions. The level of expenditures for the maintenance of public higher education institutions over the past five years has been investigated, and the dynamics of financing has been analyzed. An analytical review of the share of expenditure on higher education as a percentage of GDP and total educational expenditure was carried out. The number of educational establishments in Ukraine by forms of ownership has been analyzed. The features of financial provision of higher state, cooperative and private institutions of the educational space are revealed. The importance and necessity of management of marketing potential in the organizations are determined. The stages of managing the marketing potential are described, and the need for financial support, planning and control of managerial processes is established. The legislative allocation of the item of marketing expenses in the estimates of organizations is proposed to ensure financing of development and management of marketing potential.

Author Biography

I. Snisarchuk, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



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