Trends of the Ukrainian shadow economy in the scheme and negative factors.
shadow economy, stock market, unshadow the economy, shadow schemes, government bond, cash weightAbstract
The article examines some aspects of the shadow economy in the space of the stock and currency markets. Special attention is paid to the problems that form an additional demand for cash and their consequences. Features of the evasion of restrictions on limit cash settlements and the vulnerability of the law are considered. The solution to this problem was proposed by amending the NBU Resolution №210, which will help prevent some of the schemes to avoid liability for exceeding the limit of cash settlements. There was an analysis of the factors constraining the transition to a non-cash economy, among them: insufficient number of banking and POS-terminals, a reduction in the number of payment cards, excessive cash in the economy along with a lack of an advantageous and reliable alternative to keeping funds. Investigated the widespread schemes for theft of funds by intermediaries in the currency and stock market. Recommendations are given to regulate their activities. Attention was focused on the machinations on government bond market with the subsequent analysis of possible money laundering schemes and proposed the most effective, in our opinion, means of restraining further violations.References
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