The theoretical determinants of energy independence of Ukraine.
energy independence, determinants of energy independence, energy efficiency, natural gas, import dependence on fuel and energy resources, production and consumption of energy resourcesAbstract
Energy independence of the country - one of the key links of the economy policy of many countries, including Ukraine, which full high-quality functioning of economy depends on. The article is devoted to the consideration and the analysis of issues and factors with which Ukraine faces in achieving Ukraine’s full energy independence. The main determinants which influence on the functioning of the energy sector and the general level of energy independence of Ukraine are difined in the article. For the purpose of definition of the main directions of development of the energy sector Ukraine a comparative analysis of the statistical indexes of functioning of the energy complexes among the countries of the world is carried out and the main problems of national energy sector are revealed. The current trends of energy development of Ukraine are analysed and the ways of achievement of acceptable indicators of energy efficiency and energy saving are given. Based on the fact that achieving of energy independence of Ukraine happens at the expense of extensive factors of development the prospects of development of the national energy complex and the recommendation about improvement of a situation have been given.References
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