Income and expenditure: statistical estimation, modelling and forecasting.
income and expenditure of the Ukrainian population, standard of living, inequality, stratification, indicators of differentiationAbstract
The article proves the relevance of statistical estimation of incomes and expenditures of the population of Ukraine. In the paper the analysis of dynamics and structure of incomes is made. The structure shoes that more than 75% are salary, social assistance and current transfers. In the structure of aggregate expenditures of households, almost all the income of a family is spent on consumption, namely, the provision of food, as well as non-food items and vital services, which restrains the development of other expenditures such as education, recreation, entertainment, savings, etc. This leads to a decrease in the well-being of households, which 5 the inefficient formation and use of their financial resources. It is proved that the estimation of uneven distribution of the population by income and expenditure on the basis of different criteria (the coefficients of decile differentiation, funds and the Ginni coefficient) do not correspond to the shortcomings in the formation of the sample of household surveys, the incorporation in the estimates of only the income from legal employment, etc.References
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