Special aspects of supplier internal control of factoring operations.
factoring, factoring operation, internal control, control of factoring operation, receivablesAbstract
The article is devoted to the actual problems of organizing and performing internal control over accounts receivable, including transfers for factoring service, at the enterprises-suppliers. The article outlines the main factors that lead to higher accounts receivable of buyers and customers. The scheme of the sequence of factoring operations performing has been made. The necessity to control factoring operations performing for the effective management decisions on improvement of the financial state of the enterprise and timely displaying of the reliable information in the financial statements has been determined. The methods of performing internal control of suppliers' settlement with debtors using the progressive method of refinancing - factoring has been investigated. The internal control procedures have been considered, the sequence scheme has been composed and the main stages of the internal control of the receivables, including transfers for factoring financing, have been prepared. The article presents the controller's `s working documents forms and the list of information sources that are necessary for effective control.References
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