Analysis of problems of crediting of small and medium business in modern economic conditions.
credit, creditworthiness, small and medium business, banking institutionAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of problems of lending to small and medium business in Ukraine in modern economic conditions. The results of the research of the statistical material describing the development of the system of lending to small and medium business are presented, the main tendencies and the role of the banking system and the state in this process are considered. In this work, the processing of statistical information has been carried out, which allowed to give quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the process of lending to small businesses in Ukraine, to identify in this process the role of the banking system, as well as to determine the regulatory role of the state. The conclusion is made on the need to expand lending and increase the availability of loans for small and medium-sized businesses, in particular, loans aimed at the development and growth of business.References
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