Assessment of the competitive situation in the insurance market of Ukraine.


  • M. Ionin Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса


insurance market, the insurance company, competition, insurance service, insurance reserves of the insurer's assets


The insurance market is a collection of different institutions and the corresponding mechanisms that structure the behaviours of economic agents about the creation, purchase, sale and consumption of insurance services. Thus, under the economic agents are understood, insurers and representatives of the insurance market infrastructure. The necessary conditions for the development of insurance relations is the development of the institutional environment of the insurance market, socio-political, organizational, economic and legal norms, on the basis of which the creation, promotion and consumption of insurance services. To assess the competitive situation in the insurance market is necessary to its definition as a theoretical basis on which the formulation of substantiated methods and assessment tools and interpretation of the results with the corresponding development of further action.

Author Biography

M. Ionin, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

аспірант кафедри фінансів і банківської справи


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