Concept creation of venture capital fund Vinnitsa region.
venture fund, investments, innovations, venture investments, venture business, organizational mechanism, financial resourcesAbstract
The article examines the conceptual basis for the creation of innovative investment venture funds in the current economic conditions. The article analyses the components of the innovation process, the main of which are the development of the innovative ideas, technical proposals, the implementation of research and industrial production. The algorithm for creating a venture fund Vinnitsa region is proposed, which consists of a preparatory phase, the creation of innovative businesses, creating an innovative product (technology). At the final stage of Venture Fund existence liquidation fund balance is compiled, innovative company value stock is assessed, income distribution gained through implementation of the innovative enterprise is agreed and the revenue and remunerations are distributed among the fund participants and managers of the enterprise. The research states that the described stages of formation and existence of the fund are conditional since the life cycle of the venture fund will not be discontinued after the completion of the final fourth stage, that is, the fund will not face the liquidation but will consequently shift to the first initial stage and proceed its functioning.References
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