Using the audit as the direction of improving the efficiency of small business.
small businesses, control, internal audit, independent audit, inventory, efficiencyAbstract
In terms of the current economic crisis, domestic economic agents are trying to optimize costs. In the case of small businesses is evident in efforts to reduce non-production costs. In this sense, the costs of organizing controls may seem unnecessary, and expediency attracting experts for financial diagnostics business is not considered. Many modern researchers the problem of increasing the efficiency of local small businesses do not consider the control procedures as a tool of optimization of small businesses. That is why the theme of the research is relevant and has practical significance. This article examines the criteria for the identification of small businesses under national legislation, the role of small enterprises in the national economy of Ukraine, the directions of the state policy in the sphere of small and medium enterprises, including simplification of financial reporting. The article demonstrated the necessity and economic feasibility of control in enterprises, legal requirements and are responsible for that person. Provided concept independent external audit by the law of Ukraine "On Auditing", examples of audit services, cases of mandatory annual audit of financial statements. The research formulated conclusions about the possibility of using independent audit at increased efficiency of different groups’ enterprises in small businesses. The article is researched the concept of internal audit, examples of components of the internal control system - environment monitoring and control measures. The article consider the essence of necessity, the role of inventory in the enterprise, cases mandatory, conclusions of the study and directions for further research.References
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