Modern requirements for insurance services.
insurance, insurance product, risk, insurance companies, innovative insurance productsAbstract
The article is devoted to the substantiation requirements of insurance services, which should take into account the trends of the risks, uncertainties and factors that have an impact on business and the functioning of society. Analysis and forecasting trends in the development of risk across regions and spheres of their occurrence allows insurers to prepare new types of insurance services, insurance products to formulate requirements that take into account the specific and personal interests of consumers. the composition of the insurance service requirements allow us to determine precisely the core - a risky part of the service, which is intended to cover the damage to form a modern maintenance services, which should be based on digital technologies. The main attention should be paid to developing innovative insurance products, changing the ratio of clients to focus protection insurance and its content. It was determined that the need for greater detail on the insurance industry customer categories, which will ensure their specialization according to the needs of each market segment.References
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