Analysis of the current mechanism of intergovernmental transfers.


  • M.V. Pivtorak Білоцерківський інститут економіки та управління


budget system, intergovernmental transfers, equalization fund, local budgets, the basic subsidy, Reversible subsidy, education subsidy, medical subsidy, the index of fiscal capacity


The article analyzes the classification of intergovernmental transfers under the new version of the Budget Code. Characterized by their impact on the entire mechanism of the formation of local budgets in 2015. Identified the major changes that are related to the fact that the alignment is not at the expenses and income of local budgets. Analyzed the composition and quantity of subsidized budgets, for which basic and applied reversnuju subsidy. Determine the proportion of basic subsidies, which is directed to the appropriate group of budgets, the total amount of basic subsidies. Consider the action of the order of the intergovernmental transfers. Found that transfers do not perform their assigned functions and ineffective in today's their form. Emphasized the need to improve interbudgetary relations towards expanding the financial base of local budgets.

Author Biography

M.V. Pivtorak, Білоцерківський інститут економіки та управління

к.е.н., доцент кафедри фінансів


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