Strategy to overcome the limitations of flexibility in decision-making investment banking in Ukraine.
flexible decision-making, limit flexibility, administrative constraints, institutional constraints, market constraintsAbstract
It is proved that the strategy to overcome the limitations of a set of measures aimed at the development of investment banking in the long term on the basis of management decision-making flexibility. The investment strategy is carried out in accordance with the three types of limited flexibility of decision-making in investment banking. Thus, to overcome each of these restrictions mean bank transfer to a new level of investment activity, which allows the use of new tools and methods of doing business, attract investors and thus ensure the continuity and stability of the bank in this area. The proposed strategy to overcome the limitations of flexibility in decisionmaking investment banks in Ukraine will increase the number and volume of investment transactions, reduce investment risks, increase liquidity, operational processes to accelerate investment and increase the validity of management decisions, simplifying control procedures, investor protection and lenders, increasing access to information, as well as improve financial literacy of individuals and entities in the investment field.References
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