Sales and communication banking policy in lending product market for individuals and assessment of its efficiency
bank, banking system, sales policy, communication policy, loans, loan portfolio, problem loans, borrowers, households, bank’s reputation, advertising, lending capacityAbstract
The article estimates and explains the reasons of current situation in Ukrainian banks householders loan portfolio; presents selection mechanism of bank operating area that provides estimation methodology of bank's client base increasing potential and methodology of financial appeal to potential individual borrowers so far as it relates of new sales area and credit products, economic potential in area that was chosen. It’s proved that a significant role in securing of consumer banking sales plays communication banking policy and instruments of its realization. The special priority is paid for advertising as a most perceived consumers instrument of promote banking products to the market. The article suggests banks to use more active Internet possibilities as a convenient and effective channel for disseminating information about bank and its loan products. According to author’s opinion there is necessary to use different stimulate sales measures and to seek feedback from its potential and existing clients, to arrange for opportunity to get answers from customers on Internet or by telephone. In the article summarizes the assessment methods as an important part of determination marketing sales effectiveness and bank communication policy in lending market.References
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